Camelia (1954)


(41 mavhoti)




This is not the best movie of Maria Felix, you don't get to see the acting skills that you see in movies like La Generala or Doña Diabla, but i think this movie has the originality that its director meant to give to it, i personally like the original Camelia, but we can not trash this one by comparing it to Garbo-Cukor masterpiece, its a totally different film and in no way is it confusing, maybe when subtitled it gets harder to follow the movie but i as a Spanish speaking viewer did not got confused in any part of the movie and thought its worth seeing.I recommend people to try to see the most Maria Felix films they can see, then you get to understand her as an actor and her characters as the tough Mexican woman who gain its nickname La Doña when she did her first movie hit Doña Barbara in 1943, in Mexican films from the so called golden century contain actors which usually created one character and that same character would star in all their films, such as Mario Moreno's Cantinflas, it is the same with Maria Felix's Doña, a hard woman which is most interested in money and tends to control men for her own advantage.

Beautiful María Félix was the ultimate "femme fatal" of Mexican cinema and it was unavoidable that she'd play Marguerite Gautier at some point in her career. The idea is not far-fetched except that director Roberto Gavaldón wanted a totally different "Camille" and he commissioned a script that would be both original and faithful to the original "Lady of the Camellias" by Alexandre Dumas, Jr.
